The First Online Conference on Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy has finished on Monday, 28.11.2022 and it has left me full of love and appreciation for my colleagues all over the world. We were 120 participants from 20 countries.
Last time we met it was before the pandemic at the 7the World Congress in Kemer, Turkey. We wanted to meet again so the best solution to unite the world was an online conference.

It was a 5 days marathon of informative, creative and meaningful presentations, workshops, round table discussions and 5 minutes Hot topics. I’ve realised that you can say so much in 5 minutes. One of my colleagues called them “elevator talks”: tell someone your idea and make them want to know more in 5 minutes or less. A great skill to have in a world where time is the most precious commodity we have.
We listened to or actively participated in discussions about injustice and war. We thought about what kind of psychotherapists we want to be. We learned how important a multidisciplinary approach is when engaging teenagers and their parents. We were shown how versatile Positive Psychotherapy is when used by psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers and psychiatrists.
We spoke about staying connected to ourselves and our clients in online and in person sessions and how creative supervision can be.
New research, techniques, interventions and ideas were presented and generously shared by colleagues from all over the world.
Cooperation, non-discrimination, acceptance, trans-generational trauma, imposter syndrome, challenges of teens and young adults, driving your inner elephant, hope, trust, change, humility, multidisciplinary collaboration, scientific research, evidence-based interventions, clinical supervision, case conceptualisation, narcissism, sexuality, resilience… these are just some of the themes we spoke about.
This conference is more than the sum of the talks, the jokes, the tears and the laughter we shared. It brought together a community, actually more than that, it brought together an international professional family united by the philosophy of Prof. Nossrat Peseschkian and Positive & Transcultural Psychotherapy.
I you want to know more about Positive & Transcultural Psychotherapy please visit: